Thursday, June 19, 2014

All About Dieter's 3 Ballerina Tea - Do's and Don'ts

I've heard soooo much talk about 3 Ballerina Tea and I had to give it a try. One of my Accountability Partner's gave me a tea bag to sample. I took the tea at work in the morning, after by breakfast (even though I had heard stories about this tea) . About six hours later the tea kicked in. I was able to go to the restroom and DO YOU HEAR ME, that tea did something to me that I will NEVER forget. It was actually an awesome feeling, since I am a person that is not regular (TMI). It really did it's job. You should give it a try. I heard that this tea is kind of hard to find. But it wasn't too hard for me. My cousin actually bought the tea for me from a Fiesta Grocery Store in Houston, TX. I'm not sure if you have Fiesta where you are, but if not try going to a whole foods store or online.

Here are some Do's and Don’ts to take into consideration if you decide to take the 3 Ballerina Tea.

DO enjoy the feeling of emptiness in your stomach after you've pooped out everything that you've eaten.

DON’T drink 3 Ballerina Tea 24 hours before you’re planning on being intimate. It may be a little embarrassing, if you need to go all of a sudden.

DO use 3 Ballerina Tea if you've been constipated for a few days.

DON’T eat eggs or beans or take any other laxative before using the tea. You’re are already going to be under enough pressure.

DON’T use 3 Ballerina Tea regularly. I don't think that it is really healthy do use it everyday or even weekly. Maybe every two weeks.

DO text all your girlfriends who also drink 3 Ballerina Tea or the ones that want to try it, from the toilet when you’re having some explosive diarrhea going on.

DON’T drink 3 Ballerina Tea if you have a fear of pooping in public. The smell and the noises will be embarrassing.

DO be prepared to poop anywhere, at anytime. 



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