Thursday, June 19, 2014

All About Dieter's 3 Ballerina Tea - Do's and Don'ts

I've heard soooo much talk about 3 Ballerina Tea and I had to give it a try. One of my Accountability Partner's gave me a tea bag to sample. I took the tea at work in the morning, after by breakfast (even though I had heard stories about this tea) . About six hours later the tea kicked in. I was able to go to the restroom and DO YOU HEAR ME, that tea did something to me that I will NEVER forget. It was actually an awesome feeling, since I am a person that is not regular (TMI). It really did it's job. You should give it a try. I heard that this tea is kind of hard to find. But it wasn't too hard for me. My cousin actually bought the tea for me from a Fiesta Grocery Store in Houston, TX. I'm not sure if you have Fiesta where you are, but if not try going to a whole foods store or online.

Here are some Do's and Don’ts to take into consideration if you decide to take the 3 Ballerina Tea.

DO enjoy the feeling of emptiness in your stomach after you've pooped out everything that you've eaten.

DON’T drink 3 Ballerina Tea 24 hours before you’re planning on being intimate. It may be a little embarrassing, if you need to go all of a sudden.

DO use 3 Ballerina Tea if you've been constipated for a few days.

DON’T eat eggs or beans or take any other laxative before using the tea. You’re are already going to be under enough pressure.

DON’T use 3 Ballerina Tea regularly. I don't think that it is really healthy do use it everyday or even weekly. Maybe every two weeks.

DO text all your girlfriends who also drink 3 Ballerina Tea or the ones that want to try it, from the toilet when you’re having some explosive diarrhea going on.

DON’T drink 3 Ballerina Tea if you have a fear of pooping in public. The smell and the noises will be embarrassing.

DO be prepared to poop anywhere, at anytime. 



Meal Prep and Alo Vera Drink....Yummy!!!

 Meal Prep: Ground Turkey and cheese, broccoli and cauliflower, sweet potatoes, string cheese, apples, yogurt and Maple and  Brown Sugar Oatmeal. Dinner and additional snack not listed.

Aloe Vera Drink... A refreshing healthy drink. I diluted mine with water. Yummy!!! Google all the healthy benefits of Aloe Area Juice.

What is Exercise???

The kids and I went to the gym a little late and I was only given 20 mins to workout before child care closed. So I did what I could do and I wasn't ready to leave. I pick-ed up my kids and went into a private room. They could play there while I workout. The problem is, I have no idea what workouts to do so I decided to do a little something different. Not sure if this is a real exercise or not, but it worked for me. Okay, okay, several have told me anything that increases your heart rate can be considered exercise. Soooo exercise it is. What are your favorite exercises?

Even my kids got some of the action.

Weigh In 3-15-2014

I'mmmmm Baaaaccccckkkkkkk!!! I am determined to lose this weight. I have lost a total of 23lbs thus far on my journey. My journey is not over yet. I will continue to strive for greatness and health. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wow! I fell off for a whole minute on posting on my blog. I am getting back on the blog posting wagon... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

So here is a little preview of some of the stuff I've been doing........Workout KILLED.....

 Mio Drink Enhancers - Add to your water for liven the flavor up.

 Breakfast Burrito - One Whole Egg, 3 Egg Whites, 4 slices Turkey Bacon and Cheese only 314 calories

Grocery Shopping Bought a lot of things on sale from Wal-Mart. Greek Yogurt on sale for .25
Mio Drink Enhancers .50. Also purchased Turkey Bacon, Egg whites, string cheese, honey and Low Carb wheat tortillas

Cereal for Breakfast - Dollar Tree find

 Leg Day - Getting it in

Dinner - Sauteed Kale, Brown rice and Baked Chicken topped with grilled bell peppers.

 Snack Time - Natural Peanut Butter and apple slices

 Snack Time - Sugar Free Jello

 My daughter and I workout

Helping my friend that has a cleaning business. We cleaned her church.

Breakfast - 1 Whole egg, 2 egg whites, cheese and turkey bacon with a bowl of sugar free Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal

 Weigh In -  I lost those 2 lbs, plus one. YAY!! Go me....

Microwaved Omelette in a Bag - Add your omelette ingredients to a ziplock bag, add 1 tbsp of water, place bag in a bowl of boiling hot water and microwave on high for 4-5 mins. Checking on it at every minute. Enjoy with salsa!!!


Water Challenge at Work -  A co-worker needed us to drink water from these water bottles for a game that she was doing for her son's school. Soooo water challenge it is.

 Dinner - Shrimp Salad....Yummy!!!

Honesty is key on this journey....

Weigh In - I gained 2 lbs and I know exactly why. I was going through an emotional time. Our vehicle was in need of repairs (transmission, ugh), it took all of our saving to get repaired and it look almost a month to get fixed. My family and I were catching rides and borrowing cars to get to and from work, school and daycare everyday. That was extremely hard on my weight loss journey. A vehicle to get to the gym and the store was crucial to my weight loss. Even though, I made the best of it, I still gained weight because I ate what my whole family ate for lunch and dinner. Thank God that is all over and we now how have our truck back.

Dinner - Baked Chicken Breast topped with grilled bell peppers, green beans and brown rice.

Breakfast - Cranberry Almond Oatmeal. This oatmeal is soooo yummy. I think it's the best I've ever had.

Lunch at Saltgrass - Salad

Apple Cider Vinegar.....this was finally at my H-E-B. I was so excited because every time I go they are always out of stock.

Post Workout Meal - Smoothie from Jamba Juice: Whey Protein, Orange and wheat grass

Walking at home....

Ohhhh YUMMY!!!! I made Eggplant Parmigiana just for me oh and a glass of my favorite wine. 

Workout complete....


My breakfast...What you have for breakfast??? Thought I'd make it funny.....