Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Weigh In....

21.2 lbs and counting...... I am soo very proud of myself for doing this, "My Weight Loss Journey". I can not believe the things that I have accomplished thus far. I've been going to the YMCA working out on the treadmill, elliptical, Fitlinxx to incorporate strength training, taking Zumba, Night Club Cardio and Ripped classes as well as doing Kettle Ball Workouts with some friends. I promise myself to keep pushing and moving forward until I reach a goal that I am satisfied with. My kids enjoying attending the YMCA as well.

Friday, May 23, 2014

I can fit a Size 16?????

I'm so dang proud of myself... I can now button these pants. Y'all, these pants are over 9 years old. I bought these pants with the intentions of wearing them one day, tag still on them. I was not able to wear them.... They are a size 16. I can now button and zip them up. I still wouldn't dare wear them now because I don't feel comfy, but I will one day...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Story

As a child I was always SMALL. When I was born I was 4 lbs. 13 oz. My mom said that I could literally fit into a shoes box.

Age 3

Even through my Elementary years, I was still tiny. My family would call me Skinny Minnie and Sweet Pea.

But all of that changed when I started my menstrual cycle in 6th grade. I started to gain weight and fast. See the difference below.

Middle School Years 6th & 8th Grade pictured (Not sure of size in 6th grade / 8th grade I was a size 10-12 pants/L tops)
At the age of 16, I started to slim down a bit because I had been a cheerleader getting some exercise. But working at Church's Chicken and Popeye's Chicken didn't help at all. I had access to Close to FREE food for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

      10th Grade   (Size 13/14) Left
  11th Grade  (Size 13/14 L-1XL tops) Right
12th Grade (Size 16/17 1XL tops)
Some of the other girls in school were in a size 6, 7, 8,9, 10
Graduation Day 
(Size 16/17 pants/ 1X-2X tops)

After graduating high school at the age of 18, I found my LOVE. Jason was my boyfriend and we eventually moved in together. Jason had a daughter named Ja'Niya.

(I was a size 18 in this pic 2X tops)

At the age of 20, I was pregnant with our first child Jaleah and she was born in 2004. I gained weight and it seemed to never come off, plus, I didn't do any exercising to get it off. Then, I finally decided to go on a diet. I started the NutriSystem program. I lost 15 lbs off of the program, but couldn't keep up with the cost of the food as well as the sodium in the product. I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure soon after Jaleah was born so, I really didn't need to eat those high in sodium, pre-packaged meals. So I stopped and went back to my bad eating habits. Health problems run in my family. I knew I had to either do something about it or I was going to start developing much bigger problems, but I still did nothing.

A few years after that Jason and I were married in 2006 and our family was complete.
(Size 18/19 pants 3XL tops)
In 2008, my husband and I moved to Houston. I continued to get bigger, not losing weight and not exercising. My mom would tell me all the time that I needed to lose weight for my health, but it went one ear and out the other. In 2011, we wanted to have another baby so we tried and succeeded but instead of one God blessed us with TWO and TWO GIRLS at that. So now we have 4 GIRLS!!!!! The Lord sure does have a sense of humor. After the twins were born, I lost a few pounds, but not nearly enough to make an impact in my weight. At 225, I the largest I have ever been, while not pregnant. I was still unhealthy and still on Blood Pressure medication.
Jatiah & Janae
I had been a member of a group called Getting Sexy With Kendra (GSWK)on Facebook. I would scroll through everyone's stories and weight loss transformation pics, saying Wow, that's awesome.....and wishing I could do the same. But I was thinking, it's just SOOO hard. One day on GSWK, a lady posted a half naked picture of her on Facebook and she said that she was tired of looking the way she did and was going to do something about it. Her name was Nicole. I commented tell Nicole that I was so proud of her, she and I looked like twins (by the body) and that she made me want to do the same, but I was so ashamed of my body and didn't want anyone to see. She encouraged me to post my pic. The group leader Kendra, also encouraged me to post my pic. So, the next day, I posted my half naked, full body pic. After my husband took the pic, I thought, how could he be in love with me and I look like this.....I looked at that picture that day and couldn't take it anymore. I was disgusted with myself for letting myself get that way (the picture below). At 218 pounds, I knew I had to do something about this weight, the way I felt about myself and my health. My doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic and I know that I didn't want diabetes, so I wanted to do something about it. I prayed about it and asked the Lord to change my mind about the way I think about food.
(Size 18/19 - 20 pants / 3XL tops) 

So on 3/1/2014, I had my mind made up, but on 3/5/2014, I started making a change. Through eating correctly and working out I have lost to date 5/21/2014, 19 pounds.

 While I haven't met my goal yet I get closer each day. I have more energy, I'm not getting sick all the time and I just overall feel better. If I can do this so can you. Yeah, there were times it was hard and I wanted to quit. When it comes to something like this your biggest demon can be yourself. I will admit there were times that I needed someone to tell me to push through because I wanted to quit. But if you push through the tough times, I promise you will not regret it. So STOP saying you will start tomorrow and start TODAY!!!! Stop making excuses! Don't complain about not having time, you have to make time. I have 4 kids and I make time. It gets hard but you can do it! You don't have to exercise for hours. Heck you can walk up and down the steps in your house for 20 minutes. It's better than doing nothing. Don't be at risk for health problems when a lot of them can be avoided. Don't do it for a boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife. Do it for yourself, your health, your kids, etc. Think about your friends and family as well. Who knows maybe your transformation will help motivate them to do the same and improve their lives as well.

Thank you for taking out the time to listen to my story. Please share my blog and my story with others.


 ~Jacenta S.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

Getting Sexy With Kendra Group on Facebook

When I was first asked to join this group, I was amazed, but I still wasn't on board. I would look at the pics that the ladies would post to the group, but I would never post anything myself. One day, I was motivated to post to the group. The picture that I posted to the group was a dang near naked picture. I posted the picture because I knew that would start me on my weight loss journey, just by seeing how I looked in the picture. I told myself, along with the help of Kendra and Nicole Simmons to JUST DO IT and I did. I won't post the pic to my blog, because this blog is an open blog. I made this poster because I feel like this group is more than a group....
Kendra has taught me sooo much and has given me soo much motivation. Thank you Kendra Nicole Williams!!!

Wanna Get Sexy Arms????

I'm on Instagram...

Do you notice a difference???

Some times I still can't believe that I am even doing this whole lifestyle change thing. I am loving every minute of it. I can see a major difference in how my clothes fit me now. I really need to go shopping for new clothes, but I'll hold off until everything starts to fall off of me or looking overly big. I am soooo proud of myself and the work that I have put in. AIN'T to stoppin' me now, I'm on the MOVE.

My progress....

Captured myself doing sit-ups at the gym... And my weigh in.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Didn't work out long at all....

I was late to Zumba but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I moved with all I had,  shaking my hips and getting it in.  Burned good.

Faith, Weights and Protein Shakes

Went to the YMCA to work out today.... Did really well weight training, got a good workout on the elliptical and treadmill in.


I made it!  I made it!  It's been a journey and I'm loving it. Finally out of the 200's. I don't want to ever see them again. I don't know why I didn't start sooner.  Thank you Jesus for helping me achieve my weight loss goals.  I am so thankful.

My dinner...

100% whole wheat egg noodles,  ground turkey,  spaghetti sauce and cheese with romaine and broccoli salad with italian dressing.... It was yummy...

Walked my daughter to school... Car trouble

My husband and I only have one vehicle and our truck broke down (transmission ugh) anyway,  we didn't have a ride to work or school so I had to do what I had to do.... Walk her to school.  It was a great 2 mile walk.

My heart rate monitor

I wanted to purchase a Polar watch but saw the price and it just wasn't in my budget at the time. So,  I found another option that really does work and it only cost me $25 at Walmart.  Go get you one.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Late Weigh In Post and other things (Video)

I had a great week for my birthday, but it hurt me a little...gained 4 lbs. But then I got right and lost that plus one more.

Me at work getting my workout on: Game played One Minute to Win It

Snack choices at the hospital by my job...YUMMY! Healthy!!

Health Steps Challenge At UTMB

I signed up to get a free pedometer from my job for the "Living Well, Moving Well" Challenge. The challenge is 50k steps per week 10k per day 5 days a week.... I'm up for the challenge.

Feeling Like a Failure?

Always remember...
I am an athlete...........

Meal Prep Time

Breakfast - Oatmeal and an apple
Lunch - Ground Turkey, cheese (cause I love it), salsa, salad or mixed veggies and brown rice. Snack - Raw Almonds & pepperoni and cheese

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Back In The Gym

I finally went to the YMCA to get a membership. My kids are going to be so excited. They can play and workout with others kids, me on the other hand, I'm bout to get it in....

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Walk with my Daughter

Me and Jaleah got it in.... Sunday walk Jacenta just finished a Runtastic run of 1.16 mi in 24m 38s

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Breakfast is ready

A fruit bowl, turkey bacon,  green tea and egg whites with a little cheese yummy!

Don't sleep on Goodwill

I bought this 3lb. weight for $1.99 and the resistance bands for $4.99.

Trying this lemon product

Crystallized lemon... It was pretty good.

Check Me Out....



Monthly Challenge MAY 2014